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   July 27th, 2011

Welcome to the 3rd International Conference
“Ragusa SHWA”


AIIA III and V Sections are proud to invite you to the 3rd International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and  Agro – food Systems “Ragusa SHWA 2012”, that will be held at Ibla Campus in Ragusa (Sicily - Italy) from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th September 2012. It follows the first two editions of 2008 and 2010. Ragusa SHWA 2012 will be a great occasion to exchange experiences and to discover the colours, flavours and tastes of this part of the greatest Mediterranean Island.

At the very beginning of the International Conference, as in 2010, Ragusa SHWA is honoured to host a Symposium of the prestigious Accademia dei Georgofili - Florence - Italy:

Safety and Prevention Applied to Machinery in Agriculture
Ragusa, Monday 3rd September 2012    9.00 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Ragusa Ibla is located in Southeastern Sicily, is a lovely town rich in history, architecture and traditions, surrounded by a suggestive countryside and miles of magic beaches. Some events will be placed next to the Channel of Sicily beautiful coasts.
Southeastern Sicily hosts several kinds of agricultural activities  from  agro – industries to packing houses, from wineries and dairies to nurseries not to forget the greenhouses. In this context researchers, firms and institutions collaborate to improve Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro – food Systems.

Who are interested in?
In that favourable and confortable context Engineers, Physicians, Agronomists, Ergonomists, Veterinaries, Biologists and other experts, academics or practitioners, can meet with the aim to improve Safety, Health, Welfare in Agricultural and Agro-food Systems, to discover new thematics and to create new networks.

At Ragusa SHWA 2012 you will meet:
- Coordinators of the SHWA International Meetings
- Coordinators of the International Network on WMSDs in Horticultural Nursery
- Spokesperson and members of the INSHWA - International Network on SHWA
- Coordinator and members of the Italian Health Office (ASL)
- Representative of the International Network of Researchers and Research Projects on SHWA

As and more than at Ragusa SHWA 2010 they will be kindly invited to speak about their activities and the researches carried out by their Institutions (University, Governmental or Private Organisations), about forthcoming meetings and they will be invited to suggest new collaborations and partnerships.

Exchanging Opinions and Discussions
At the end of each session Chairperson will open a debate involving all the Authors and other Researchers and they will encourage, especially young researchers, to take part at the discussions.

Research Financing
A link between SHWA Researches and Governments is established. In fact, a final report about innovatives researches, achievements, failures due to lack of resources, new deserving perspectives and emerging risks and all that Ragusa SHWA 2012 will enhance, will be presented to the Governments of many Countries during a worldwide event scheduled in Sept 2012 in Rome.

The official language is English. Simultaneous translation will be provided only for the Georgofili Symposium.

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